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Virtual tours & digital twins

Digital twins and 360° tours for property, BIM or retail at the touch of a button!

The product
Digital twins

So funktioniert es und das sind die Ergebnisse:

Anwendungsbeispiele in verschiedenen Branchen

Mit den Produkten von Matterport erstellen Sie einen äußerst nutzerfreundlichen virtuellen Rundgang. Der Betrachter fühlt sich wie zuhause und behält jederzeit die Orientierung. Die Software vermittelt dem Kunden das Gefühl sich frei wie in der echten Welt durch den Raum zu bewegen. Hier entstehen keine Schwindelgefühle oder Orientierungslosigkeit wie bei vielen anderen Anbietern.

Architecture, engineering and construction

The foundation for your BIM project! Work effortlessly with Autodesk and Procore integrations.

Training and project management

Create guided tours, set markers or measure distances and share them with your team.

Commercial property

Sharing virtual office spaces or residential buildings is the fastest way for your customers to access your properties - save time and select the most promising customers.

Retail trade

Digitising exclusive products in the blink of an eye. Lloyd's Antiques in Tokyo has captured its unique collector's items with an iPhone.

Erstellen Sie virtuelle Rundgänge

made by Matterport

Keine Erfahrung erforderlich

Matterport Pro3 und Pro2 Kameras bieten eine realgetreue digitale Darstellung von Innen- und Außenbereichen. Realgetreue 3D-Modelle können von grundlegender Bedeutung für Immobilien- oder Architektur-, Ingenieur- und Bauunternehmen (AEC) sein. Die Kameras sind effizient und leicht zu bedienen. Expertise in Fotografie oder LiDAR ist nicht erforderlich, um von den immersiven digitalen Zwillingen des Marktführers zu profitieren.

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Pro3 - Commercial Centre

Pro2 - Casa Grande

Matterport Kameras im Vergleich

Wählen Sie die Kameraoptionen, die für Ihr Team am besten geeignet sind:

Smartphone Axis mount:

Motorised gimbal on tripods for smartphones with LiDAR. Ideal for small spaces and for organisations with distributed locations

  • Simple, affordable DIY tool
  • Works for iPhone and Android phones

360° cameras

Ideal for small and medium-sized rooms.

  • Semi-pro cameras
  • Portable and lightweight

Pro2 camera

Ideal for advertising in most indoor areas and limited outdoor areas

  • Professional 3D camera
  • Ultra-high resolution

Pro3 camera

The Matterport Pro3 is up to 4x faster than the Pro2 and is ideal for large indoor and outdoor areas

  • Our latest, fastest LiDAR camera
  • Detection distance up to 100m

Matterport Cameras in comparison

hardwareSmartphone capture + motorised Axis mount360° cameras from third-party providersPro2 cameraPro3 camera
Measurement accuracy⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
2D image quality⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Speed⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Outdoor capability⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐
⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Seam quality ⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Time per sweep20 - 90 s3 s30 s20 s
Compatible Matterport subscriptions fromFreemin. Startermin. Professionalmin. Professional
Supported Matterport add-ons
  • Schematic floor plans
  • Matterpak
  • Schematic floor plans
  • Matterpak
  • Trueplan
  • Schematic floor plans
  • Matterpak
  • TrueplanBIM
  • fileE57
  • Schematic floor plans
  • Matterpak
  • Trueplan
  • BIM file
  • E57

Matterport Pro3

Our most powerful Matterport-system

Matterport Order Pro3

Incredible range. Scans in record time.

Pro3 captures 3D data at a distance of up to 100 metres in <20 seconds per sweep, speeding up scanning.

Powerful, high-precision LiDAR.

Pro3's ultra-fast, high-precision LiDAR sensor can run for hours, is amazingly compact and takes millions of measurements in all conditions.

Designed with portability in mind.

Pro3 is lightweight and comfortable to wear all day long. A simple battery swap allows for continuous scanning until the job is done.

Matterport setzt neue Maßstäbe in der Digitalisierung von Gebäuden.
Matterport setzt neue Maßstäbe in der Digitalisierung von Gebäuden.
Matterport setzt neue Maßstäbe in der Digitalisierung von Gebäuden.
Matterport setzt neue Maßstäbe in der Digitalisierung von Gebäuden.
Matterport setzt neue Maßstäbe in der Digitalisierung von Gebäuden.
„Die Effizienz und Leistungsfähigkeit von Matterport, hat absolut transformativen Charakter, für die gewerbliche Immobilienbranche.“ sagt Oliver Skagerlind, Global Head für Kunden- und Geschäftslösungen bei Cushman & Wakefield

Was ist ein "Digitaler Zwilling" ?

Ein digitaler Zwilling ist eine dynamische virtuelle Kopie eines physischen Objektes oder Umgebung, die sich modellhaft wie ihr reales Gegenstück verhält. Digitale Zwillinge ermöglichen einen übergreifenden Datenaustausch und erlauben es die reale Welt um digitale Elemente zu erweitern und computergesteuert in Sekunden zu analysieren.

What is a digital twin?

A digital twin is a dynamic virtual copy of a physical object or environment that behaves like a model of its real-life counterpart. Digital twins enable a comprehensive exchange of data. They are more than pure data and consist of models of the represented object.

The value of digital twins


twins enable the efficient bundling of a wide variety of information and influencing factors in a spatial model and the representation of complex interrelationships.

Their particular value for industry results from the elimination of physical prototypes and the ability to simulate the behaviour, functionality and quality of the real twin in every relevant aspect. This value can be utilised for all parts of the value chain across the entire life cycle of products, systems and services.

Effizienter Export Ihrer digitalen Zwillingen in verschiedenste Standardformate für Ihre Ingenieursprogramme

Lightning-fast as-is recording

Quick and effective creation of digital twins of your systems and objects.

Efficient model creation

Export and integration with BIM data, E57 point clouds, CAD, construction drawings and much more.

Digital building documentation

Collaboration via the Matterport-cloud or in your software solution to accelerate and optimise design and construction workflows.

Professional floor plans in no time at all

The floor plan service from Matterport offers an affordable way to create professional floor plans without additional data collection. The schematic floor plans from Matterport are created from the same data data as your digital twin. You no longer need to return to the return to the property to take measurements. All you need is a few clicks within your digital twin and you get a complete floor plan with room labelling and measurements.

Ihr Return of Investment!

Benutzer verbringen 52% mehr Zeit auf Webseiten, die Digital Twins enthalten. 

 Ein 80%-iger Anstieg von Anfragen durch die Bereitstellung von virtuellen Touren.

Sales increase of


by inspiring more customers to visit your property.

Reduction of travelling time & costs by


through online support.

Work more efficiently


Faster project completion when teams can access a property at any time and from anywhere.

Reduction of CO-2 emissions


by eliminating car and air travel in order to operate more sustainably.

Powerful software subscriptions

Document, market, manage and design properties digitally - with MatterportPlänen.


Works with Matterport Axis and 360° cameras. Recordings from Pro2 and Pro3 are not processed.

Top features

  • Includes all features of the free plan
  • Share and embed anywhere
  • Publication on is possible
  • Publication on Google Street View is possible
  • Schematic floor plan views for €20
  • Technical MatterPak™ files for €44
  • Capture Services™ enabled in over 700 cities around the world
  • Simple access analyses of the models


Works with all cameras.

Top features

  • Includes all functions in the Starter subscription
  • Developed for collaboration in small teams
  • Automatic blurring of faces
  • Schematic floor plans for €15
  • With "Express", schematic floor plans are delivered within 6 hours from €35
  • Export of area access analysis reports


Works with all cameras.

Top features

  • Includes all functions in the Professional subscription
  • Collaboration with large teams
  • Account management
  • Schematic floor plans for €13
  • With "Express", schematic floor plans are delivered within 6 hours from €35
  • Export of area access analysis reports

Matterport Apps für iPhone und Android

Nutzen Sie die leistungsstarke Matterport Software mit Ihrem Smartphone.

Matterport Capture

Use the app to quickly capture dimensions, data and images of an area when connected to a supported camera.

Then simply upload the data to the cloud Matterport cloud and all the processing of the assets is done for you.

  • Works with selected 360° cameras, Pro2 and Leica BLK360 G1
  • Makes shooting in 3D easier for everyone
  • Compatible with iOS and Android devices*

Matterport Workshop

As soon as the Matterport-Cloud has created your digital twin, you can edit your Space in the Matterport Workshop to customise it, add additional details and publish it.

  • Create and customise your video highlights!
  • Measure your object!
  • Add Mattertags!
  • Label rooms!
  • Select 4K photos in print quality!
  • Customise your VR experience!
  • Invite collaborators to view, upload and edit your space!
  • Add special views!

Matterport Showcase App

With Matterport Showcase, you and your audience can display and explore your space in its final format. You can download it as an app or access it via any web browser.

  • Experience your space in tour mode, dollhouse view and floor plan mode
  • Share the link via email, text message, Facebook, Twitter or other social media
  • You can access and explore your digital twins offline

Matterport Axis

Discover the revolutionary motorised mount for smartphones with Axis. More affordable than ever before, with high precision, capture small spaces in a short time.</p


The motorised mount enables smooth scanning and seamless precision with every rotation.

Complete coverage

The adjustable wheel can be manually set to scan the same point from different angles for a complete, floor-to-ceiling, fully immersive digital twin.


Error-free, simple scanning at the touch of a button and remote control is enabled.


Axis gives you the ability to capture rooms like a pro - no experience required. A cost-effective option is to add multiple users anywhere in the world.

Capture at professional level. Entry-level price.

With low prices and flexible plans, Axis is the affordable way to fulfil all your capture needs.

Alle Matterport-Produkte auf einen Blick

Nutzen Sie unsere Filterfunktion: Beispielsweise Produkttyp -> 3D Cams, um alle Kameras von Matterport anzuzeigen.

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