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Flight Planning

Flight planning is a critical part of most flight missions, allowing for the highest accuracy results. A large range of software is available for all kinds of drones and sensors, see below to find the software most suitable for your project.


There are a wide variety of mission types possible for use with drones. These include nadir flights, where drones fly a parallel flight strip route similar to the image shown above, or as a double grid for extra coverage, and the camera points straight down, oblique flights, which have similar routes but an angled camera position, providing even more detail, especially for the sides of objects such as buildings. Other types of flights include corridor mapping, suited for projects such as highways, powerlines and pipelines, waypoint missions, which provide the highest flexibility, and a variety of other modes such as façade and inspection surveys, suited for specific applications, such as powerlines and telecommunication towers.
These solutions are available in many programmes, as displayed in the table below. This shows which programme has which capabilities. The programmes are ideal for different user: functionality is often traded for higher cost, or sometimes lower usability.

*with purchase of compatible drone.

Red: not available
Green: available
Star rating: ***** is highest, * is lowest
Prices with "~" are subject to change.

We are currently in the process of acquiring more flight planning software, however, the programmes listed below can be bought from us today.

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